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The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Interim Measures for the Gradient Cultivation and Management of High-Quality Small and Medium-sized Enterprises"

Release time:2024-09-06click:0
In order to further strengthen the gradient cultivation of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises and promote the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Gradient Cultivation of Quality Small and Medium-sized Enterprises". The main text of the "Measures" consists of five chapters. Chapter 1, General Principles, proposes the basis for formulation, concepts and definitions, working principles, division of responsibilities, work objectives, etc. Chapter 2 Evaluation and Identification clarifies the principles, standards and related work requirements for evaluation and identification. Chapter 3 Dynamic Management proposes management principles and requirements for updating corporate information, as well as management requirements such as validity period, violation of laws and regulations, and reporting acceptance. Chapter 4: Cultivation and Support, puts forward the principles, content and methods of gradient cultivation. Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions clarifies the implementation date, etc.
The "Measures" clarified the evaluation or recognition standards for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises, and specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises. Starting from August 1, 2022 implementation.
In order to facilitate the understanding of the "Measures" and carry out the implementation work, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has interpreted the relevant content. The interpretation content and the specific content of the "Measures" are as follows:
Interpretation by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
1. Formulate the "Measures" What are the main considerations?
High-quality small and medium-sized enterprises have strong innovation capabilities and good growth potential. They are the basic force for improving the stability and competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain, and are an important driver of high-quality economic development. , is a strong support for building a new development pattern. The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the cultivation of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. Xi JinpingGeneral Secretary< /span> Emphasized the need to "cultivate a group of 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises", the Central Economic Work Conference called for "stimulating the emergence of a large number of 'specialized, special and new' enterprises", and the "Government Work Report" proposed to "focus on cultivating 'specialized, special and new' enterprises" Special new 'enterprise'. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has thoroughly implemented the relevant decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and listed the high-quality small and medium-sized enterprise cultivation project as one of the nine major projects in the "14th Five-Year Plan" to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprisesHead. at present, a total of 4,762 "little giant" enterprises have been cultivated, and more than 48,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in various provinces have been cultivated.
The cultivation work has achieved certain results and has received widespread attention from the society, but it also faces problems such as inconsistent standards, imprecise services, and uneven development. For example, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "support innovative small, medium and micro enterprises to grow into important birthplaces of innovation". However, due to the lack of evaluation standards for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, various places are currently exploring and there are differences in conceptual understanding; another example is , the cultivation standards for provincial-level specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises are formulated by each locality, and each has its own system, which is not conducive to the continuous development of cultivation work. In order to further improve the systematization, standardization and precision of the gradient cultivation work of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has researched and formulated the "Measures" based on the previous cultivation work.
The "Measures" not only regulate the evaluation and identification work, but also put forward systematic requirements for cultivation and management. The three gradients of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises are clearly layered and connected with each other. It not only helps enterprises at different levels to see clearly the gaps and shortcomings and clarify the direction of efforts, but also helps the small and medium-sized enterprise authorities at all levels to improve the pertinence, accuracy and satisfaction of services. Spend. Carrying out gradient cultivation of high-quality enterprises is not only about identifying a group of high-quality enterprises, but more importantly, leading the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises through cultivation services and guidance. The company adheres to the new development path of specialization and specialization to achieve high-quality development.
2. What are the main contents of the "Measures"?
The text of the "Measures" consists of five chapters. Chapter 1, General Principles, proposes the basis for formulation, concepts and definitions, working principles, division of responsibilities, work objectives, etc. Chapter 2 Evaluation and Identification clarifies the principles, standards and related work requirements for evaluation and identification. Chapter 3 Dynamic Management proposes management principles and requirements for updating corporate information, as well as management requirements such as validity period, violation of laws and regulations, and reporting acceptance. Chapter 4: Cultivation and Support, puts forward the principles, content and methods of gradient cultivation. Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions clarifies the implementation date, etc.
The "Measures" clarifies the evaluation or identification standards for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises, and specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises, and is released in the form of an attachment.
Among them, the evaluation criteria for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises include six indicators in three categories: innovation ability, growth and specialization. The full score is 100 points. If an enterprise scores more than 60 points, it is qualified as an innovative small and medium-sized enterprise.standard. Considering that innovative small and medium-sized enterprises are the broad foundation for cultivating high-quality enterprises, the standards should not be set too high.
The identification criteria for small and medium-sized enterprises that are specialized, specialized and new include basic conditions such as years of engagement in specific market segments, total R&D expenses, R&D intensity, operating income, etc., and are divided into four categories: specialized, refined, special and new. In this aspect, 13 indicators are set for comprehensive scoring, with a full score of 100 points. If an enterprise scores more than 60 points, it meets the standards of specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises. Taking into account the differences in the development levels of enterprises in various regions, on the basis of adhering to the unified national standards, 15-point "characteristic indicators" are set by each province based on local characteristics, which not only ensures that the overall level of enterprises is roughly equivalent, but also encourages local governments to carry out work creatively based on actual conditions. .
The identification criteria for "little giant" enterprises that are specialized, specialized, special and new are centered on six aspects: specialization, precision, specialness, newness, as well as industry chain supporting products and leading products. Quantitative and qualitative indicators are proposed respectively, taking into account "Little Giant" enterprises are the vanguard of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, and recognized enterprises must meet all indicator requirements.
At the same time, in order to prevent some companies with outstanding innovation capabilities and outstanding industrial chain functions from being unable to pass because of their "partial science", we have set up through-trains to moderately restrict such companies. tilt.
3. What are the differences and connections between innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises, and specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises?
Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises, and specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises are the three levels of cultivating high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, and the three are interconnected. , together constitute a gradient cultivation system. Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises have a high level of specialization, strong innovation capabilities and development potential. They are the basic strength of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. The cultivation target is about 1 million. Specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises have achieved professional, refined and characteristic development, strong innovation ability, good quality and efficiency, and are the backbone of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. The cultivation target is about 100,000. Specialized, special and new “little giant” enterprises are located in the core areas of industrial foundations and key links in the industrial chain. They have outstanding innovation capabilities, mastery of core technologies, high market share in market segments, and good quality and efficiency. They are the core strength of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. The goal of cultivation is About 10,000 households.
It is impossible for a seedling to grow into a towering tree overnight. Three types of enterprisesThey represent different stages of development of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, and this idea is also reflected in the setting of evaluation or identification standards. We hope that start-up small and medium-sized enterprises can develop along such a gradient, be down-to-earth, focus on the main business, forge ahead, and pioneer and innovate; we also hope that after several years of continuous cultivation, a large number of these high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises can grow into domestic and international enterprises. span class="bjFfcClass" style="color:red">Well-known enterprises have made greater contributions to my country's economic and social development.
4. Can all enterprises apply?
We encourage the innovative development of all types of small and medium-sized enterprises. All enterprises that are registered with the Industrial and Commercial Administration of the People's Republic of China, have independent legal person status, and comply with the "Classification Standards for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" , regardless of ownership, can be declared. However, as a high-quality small and medium-sized enterprise, it must also meet some basic requirements, such as: not being included in the list of abnormal business operations or the list of seriously untrustworthy entities, the products (services) provided are not prohibited, restricted or eliminated by the state, and there have been no incidents in the past three years. Major security (including network security, data security), quality, environmental pollution and other accidents, as well as tax evasion and other illegal activities, etc.
In terms of industry orientation, the cultivation work focuses on manufacturing enterprises and enterprises that integrate manufacturing and informatization, highlighting the attributes of the industrial chain, and focusing on encouraging companies located in key links of the industrial chain and supply chain. Enterprises in core fields, such as accommodation and catering, wholesale and retail, real estate, entertainment, etc., are not listed as targets for our cultivation for the time being. At the same time, we will also strengthen dynamic management. If we find that a recognized company has serious violations of laws and regulations or has falsified data, we will resolutely cancel the recognition.
5. How can companies participate in evaluation and application?
The evaluation and application of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of enterprise voluntariness, openness and transparency.
Evaluation of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. Enterprises voluntarily log in to the high-quality small and medium-sized enterprise gradient cultivation platform (will be opened before the official implementation of the document on August 1, 2022) to participate in self-evaluation according to the principle of territoriality. The competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises at the national level organize the review, on-site spot inspection and public disclosure of enterprise self-evaluation information and relevant supporting materials based on the evaluation standards. If there is no objection to the announcement, the provincial small and medium-sized enterprise department will announce it as an innovative small and medium-sized enterprise.
For the identification of specialized, specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises voluntarily submit applications based on the principle of territoriality. The provincial-level small and medium-sized enterprise authorities will review the enterprise's application materials and related documents based on the identification standards.Supporting materials will be reviewed, on-site spot-checked and made public. If there is no objection to the announcement, the provincial small and medium-sized enterprise department will identify it as a specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprise.
To be recognized as a "Little Giant" enterprise, specialized, specialized, innovative and small and medium-sized enterprises shall voluntarily submit an application in accordance with the principle of territoriality. The provincial small and medium-sized enterprise authorities shall review the enterprise's application materials based on the identification standards. Conduct preliminary review and on-site spot checks with relevant supporting materials, and make recommendations to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organizes review, spot checks and public announcements of recommended enterprises. If there is no objection to the announcement, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will identify it as a specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprise.
The competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises at the provincial level will issue detailed implementation rules for the evaluation of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises and the identification of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises. For specific participation in the evaluation and application process, please refer to the provincial-level small and medium-sized enterprises. The implementation details issued by the competent authorities of the enterprise shall prevail. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will issue a notice every year to carry out the identification of specialized, special and new "Little Giant" enterprises. For specific application procedures, please pay attention to the notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In 2022, the identification of specialized, special and new "Little Giant" enterprises will be held in Started in early to mid-June.
It is particularly emphasized that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology does not entrust any organization to carry out evaluation and identification of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises, and specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises. For training, consultation and auxiliary declaration work, enterprises only need to truthfully fill in and submit relevant materials as required, without any fees or any special shortcuts.
6. How to carry out the cultivation of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises?
The key to enterprise development is the enterprise itself. The gradient cultivation of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises is mainly driven by internal factors and supplemented by external factors. The core is to rely on enterprises to continuously enhance endogenous motivation and adhere to the development path of "specialization, specialization and innovation". The government and social forces should do a good job in optimizing the development environment and strengthening service support. , jointly form a joint force for cultivation work.
In the cultivation work, adhere to the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, adhere to the combination of effective market and promising government, adhere to hierarchical classification and graded guidance, adhere to dynamic management and precise services , requires the joint efforts of the government, society and the market. According to the characteristics and needs of different types of small and medium-sized enterprises at different development stages and types in the region, the competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises at all levels shall guide through policy , enterprise voluntariness, and cultivation and promotion., openness and transparency as the principle, improve the gradient cultivation system of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, formulate hierarchical and classified support policies, improve the construction of service systems, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, and continuously optimize the development environment of small and medium-sized enterprises. Relevant public institutions and social organizations have given full play to their own advantages and actively provided public welfare services to small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of policy publicity, technical services, and legal assistance. Market-oriented service agencies are the main force in professional services. Cultivating high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises according to gradients will help improve the accuracy of market-oriented services and enhance the sense of gain for enterprises. We also hope that various market-oriented service agencies, on the basis of adhering to market-oriented rules, can support these high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises in a rational, pragmatic, in-depth and meticulous manner and accompany them to grow together.
The focus of the cultivation of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises is on the word "cultivation". If the cultivation efforts are accurate and sufficient, more high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises will naturally emerge. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will work with relevant departments to build a service system that coordinates the promotion of government public services, market-oriented services, and public welfare services, guide various service agencies to increase service support for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, and build a docking of innovative achievements. , large and medium-sized enterprises integration innovation, innovation and entrepreneurship competition and other platforms, gather service resources, innovate service methods, and provide full-cycle, all-round, Multiple levels of service. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will work with relevant departments to continue to increase support for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises and stimulate the emergence of a large number of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises.

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